RISolutions – A Combination of Newspaper and New Media Know-how
Katja Riefler / RISolutions is the consulting company of Katja Riefler, a former journalist that published in 1995 the first book in German language on newspapers online. Since that time she has worked as a consultant to the news industry in Germany with the main focus to assist newspapers to be more successful on the Internet. Katja Riefler has assitsted many German publishing houses to be more successful on the Internet.

Prior to that she has worked as an editor at a daily newspaper, then temporarily worked freelance until in 1996 she was hired by the Bavarian Newspapers Association VBZV in order to found the first common company of German newspaper publishers on New Media. It served up to 35 regional newspapers. Goal of that company was to maximize synergies between the newspaper companies, to share knowledge and to work together on all aspects of the Internet business. „mbt Online KG“ existed until 1999 as an ISP, technical service provider and training center. Within other services mbt Online KG provided the first online classified database of regional newspapers in Germany. During the Internet hype it was merged with another company and lost its significance to publishers.

RISolutions was founded in 1999. Katja Riefler focuses with her work on trends that might get important for newspapers. She works closely with various publishing houses and the German Newspaper Publishers Association BDZV. She has a wary eye on European and International developments. She shares her knowledge as a speaker at conferences, is author of various publications and also a contributor to Steve Outings „E-Media-Tidbits“-Weblog at the Poynter-Institut in St. Petersburg, FL.

At the beginning of February 2003 she presented the first version of her study and market overview „Digital Editions 2003“ in German language which meanwhile is available in an updated English language version. This publication was well recognized and raised a lot of interest. The 100 page has been the first major publication on the business models and the various technical systems available to generate digital editions and takes a deep look into the experiences of publishing houses already offering such editions.


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